We discuss and made the folowing conclusions:
1)Development of sport exercises for for disabled persons 60+ after rehabilitation or treatment (videos)
D9 Sport exercises programme for seniors with disabilities 60+ with instructions
Draft of guide was presented.
UB will send D9 and D10 in next 5 days to partners for comment.
2) Development of instructions for blended learning of students from non-medical field
D10 Instructions for blended learning training for student volunteers
MVNGO presented draf version, it is attached to this minutes and uploaded on drive. Partners will sent comments in next 10 days.
D9, D10 will be uploaded on e-learning portal and translated in: English, Slovene, Croatian, German, Italian and Serbian language.
3) Upcoming Activities – Deadlines
- Blended learning for students, 20 per partner, 3 days, April – June 2024 (all partners)
- Pilot implementation Fit-IN Rehab programme with seniors with disabilties 60+, 30 per partner, June -September 2024 (all partners)
- D11 Post-event (pilot with seniors) survay questionnaire, 30 participants/per country, total: min. 150 participants/post event.
Deadline: 31.10.2024
Adjustment & finalization of the outdoor sport and exercises programme for elderly with disabilities 60+. (leader: SPORT VIV)
4) Dissemination
Post on social media of project FB and partners social media and other promotional activites by plan. Partners keep them posting regularly. Melanija from SPORT VIV will send by email reminder which partner is responsible for the posts by month. All partners are editors.