You are currently viewing 3rd Zoom meeting FIT-IN-REHAB, 23.10.2023 at 12.00. CET.

3rd Zoom meeting FIT-IN-REHAB, 23.10.2023 at 12.00. CET.

The 3rd Zoom meeting of FIT-IN-REHAB took place on October 23, 2023, at 12:00 CET. Participants discussed several key topics:

  1. Translations of deliverables: Deadline for translating various documents into partners’ NA languages was outlined, including a pre-event survey research report and learning materials. Participants were instructed to upload translations to Google Drive and email confirmations.
  2. Digital learning platform: Neda Brajenović will upload translated deliverables onto the learning portal. Zdenka will ensure the inclusion of the EU logo and disclaimer on the learning portal video, to be shared once the portal is complete in December 2023.
  3. Dissemination activities: Partners were encouraged to engage in dissemination activities, including promoting the Fit-IN-Rehab Facebook page and sharing news. Melanija will grant administrative roles to all partners on the Facebook page and send reminders for dissemination activities.
  4. Instructions for blended learning: Instructions for training 20 student volunteers were discussed, combining face-to-face and online training methods. The deadline for instructions is March 2024, with training scheduled from April to June 2024.
  5. Development of sports exercise program: UB will record videos of sport exercises for people with disabilities aged 60+. The first draft is due in March 2024, with the final version to be presented at the 2nd TC meeting in Sassari, Italy, in May/June 2024.

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